The Rose Family Story

The story is based on the ancestry of my father's mother Florence Maude  Matilda Rose. Her parentage has a number of convicts including Joseph Butler who arrived on the second fleet ship the Neptune(1790), Robert Hobbs who arrived on the the third fleet on the Active (1791), Mary Holland the Indispensable (1796), Mathew Elkins the Perseus (1802), Mary Moss the Experiment (1804), Bridget Heslin, The Sugercane (1793), and John Rose, the Somersetshire (1814). Writing this story I became interested in the life of Mary Holland and have researched information on her life. In time I hope to  complete research and writing on the other convicts and individuals in the story.

NOTE:  For more information on the Rose, Hobbs and other related family history go to the website:


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